Everything you need to know about Microdermabrasion


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What is microdermabrasion? What does it do? Is it safe? How often should I get it done?

 Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive procedure that uses tiny crystals to gently exfoliate dead skin cells from the surface of the body. 

This helps improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce acne scars, and even lighten dark spots. 

It also stimulates collagen production, helping to firm and tighten the skin.

 Microdermabrading is a great way to remove dead skin cells without using harsh chemicals or invasive procedures. The treatment is painless and requires no downtime.

It’s recommended every 2–4 weeks depending on your skin type. 

Skin types: oily/acne prone, dry, aging, sensitive, combination, hyperpigmentation, post-inflammatory, scarring, rosacea, sun damaged, and more. 

Microdermabrasion skin

How long has it been around?

Microderm is an ancient practice in Eastern cultures for treating conditions such as acne, pigmentation, and other skin concerns. 

Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) used a crystal tool similar to what we use today, but he didn’t call it “microderm”. 

He called it “hydrosurgery”, which means water surgery. In fact, he was one of the first doctors to perform dermabrasion with a diamond wheel, back in 300 BC. 

Who invented it? 

Dr. Michael Galitzer developed the original machine in the 1970s. 

Where can you find it? 

You can find microderm treatments at spas, dermatologists clinics and beauty salons. 

Is it safe? 

Yes! Microderm is completely safe when performed by trained professionals. 

Microdermabrasion at home

Can I have it done at home? 

Not the crystal microdermabrasion. Most home treatments are not effective enough to treat deep layers of the skin. They may be helpful for superficial issues like redness or irritation, but they won’t help with deeper problems. Baiden Mitten on the other hand, comes pretty close to the mark. Since it can be used once per week, if you keep to the routine, it will have the same effect as microdermabrasion performed once per month in a beauty salon but without the hefty price tag. Not many people can afford forthnightly or monthly treatments in the salon (especially if you want to treat face AND body), but everybody can afford their own Baiden Mitten, which, with proper care will comfortably last you for 2 years or longer… 

Is it painful? 

No. There is minimal discomfort during the treatment itself. 

Does it hurt after? 

Some people feel slight stinging or tingling afterward. You shouldn’t experience any significant pain. 

Is there any risk involved? 

There is always some level of risk involved with any kind of deep treatment. However, microderm is minimally invasive, so it carries less risk than many other cosmetic procedures. 

Will it work for me?

It depends on your skin condition. If you have normal, healthy skin, then yes, you will see results. 

But if you have severe acne, eczema, psoriasis, or other inflammatory skin conditions, you might need to try a different approach before trying this technique. Changing diet to include more fresh, raw fruit and vegetables could bring almost instant change in your skin issues, so it is a good starting point. 

How often should I go? 

This varies based on your skin condition. For most people, two to four treatments per month is ideal. Some people may require more frequent treatments. Consult your doctor about how often you should come in. 

Alternatively, get yourself a Baiden Mitten and use it once per week. 

Microdermabrasion costs


How much does microdermabrasion cost? 

The price of microdermabrading varies based on where you live and who performs the treatment. Expect to pay between $100-$300 for a single session. That is just for your face by the way… If you add to it full body exfoliation, the cost will of course increase a lot. That is why Baiden Mitten is such a great deal.

 At about 60 cents/ treatment it cannot be beaten. Yes, it might not do as deep exfoliation as the salon treatment, but, since you will be doing it every week, the cummulative effect will quickly kick in. You can perform your Baiden Mitten treatment in the shower, no need to hire professionals or to spend a lot of time at the salons. 

Do I need to shave beforehand?

 No. Shaving can make things worse because it removes the protective layer of hair that keeps bacteria out of the pores. 

Are there side effects? 

Most people don’t notice any side effects. People who have sensitive skin may experience mild redness or itching. 

What happens after the treatment? 

After the treatment, you’ll probably want to apply a moisturizer immediately. It helps prevent drying out of the treated area. 

If you have any further questions about Baiden Mitten please let us know…

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