Blackheads 101: Learn how blackheads form, what causes them, and how to get rid of them

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Blackheads are a common skin condition.
Blackheads appear as dark brown or black spots on your skin that are a result of clogged pores.

They can be caused by dirt, dead skin cells and oil buildup in the pores. Blackheads usually occur when you have oily skin or have acne-prone skin.

Who do blackheads affect?

Most likely people who have oily skin or acne-prone skin will develop blackheads.

The more active your sebaceous glands are, the more chance you have to experience blackheads at some point in your life. 

Since blackheads are a type of acne, If you have oily skin, you may also experience breakouts. 

Pimples are a form of acne and start the same way as blackheads; the difference is that with pimples, the hair follicle breaks down and instead of just having a greasy plug, a puss-filled pimple develops.

How do blackheads affect my body?

Blackheads are totally harmless, but they can get quite large and numerous.

The appearance of blackheads can make people feel self-conscious about their skin, so in some instances some people might dread going out and socializing because of this.


What causes blackheads?

There are many factors that contribute to the development of blackheads. These include:

  • Dirt – Poor hygiene is one of the main reasons why blackheads form. When dirt gets trapped inside the pores, it will be mixed with oils the skin produces and will form a plug. The reason it appears black, however, has not much to do with the amount of dirt, but with the fact that oil will oxidize and turn dark.
  • Dead Skin Cells – are another factor that contributes to the formation of blackheads. When dead skin cells accumulate in the pores and hair follicles, they block the opening of the pore. This prevents any further drainage from taking place.
  • Oily Skin – Oily skin aids in the formation of blackheads and acne. Because of the excess amount of oil present on the surface of the skin, there is a higher chance of clogged hair follicles and pores getting blocked.
  • Hormonal changes – Onset of puberty as well as changes such as pregnancy and menopause can lead to the formation of black heads. During these times, hormone levels rise causing the production of sebum (oil). This makes the skin produce more oil than usual.
  • Lack of sleep and stress – any form of stress, lack of sleep being one of the major causes will interrupt body processes and throw them out of their optimal cycle of self-cleansing and cell renewal. It can quickly use up the body’s energy reserves, affect the blood flow to thecapillaries,s thus lowering oxygen levels available to the skin cells.This lowers the ability of the skin to remove toxins and results in the build up of impurities in the skin.
    When stress builds up, cortisol levels increase. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands which helps regulate the immune system. Too much cortisol can actually damage the skin by dehydrating it, which will produce abnormal levels of dry skin cells blocking the pores.
  • Smoking – Smoking can also be a contributing factor to the formation of blackheads. Nicotine found in cigarettes stimulates the production of sweat. Sweat contains salt. Salt is needed to balance the pH level of your skin. When the pH level drops, the skin becomes acidic. This can result in clogged pores.
  • Excessive makeup usage – Many makeup products contain chemicals that irritate the skin. They also have ingredients that prevent the skin from absorbing moisture. These ingredients can cause the skin to become dry and flaky. It is super important to choose the right, natural makeup and skin products to avoid any undesirable side effects that could introduce toxins and dehydrate the top skin layer.
  • Dairy products are known to increase the amount of mucus in the body and cause puss-filled pimples and increase the amount of skin inflammation. There have been many reports that removing dairy products from the diet can result in clearer skin within a few weeks.
Remedies for Blackheads

Are blackheads contagious?

Since blackheads are a type of acne, excessive touching and scratching of the effective area will spread them further. 

Therefore, try to avoid it as much as possible.

Moisturizing with non-oily moisturizer before you go to bed could limit instances of you scratching your skin while you sleep.

Do blackheads go away on their own?

Unfortunately, not. Once the skin plug is formed, it will stay there until it is removed.

There are several ways to remove blackheads.

You can visit a skin care professional who can perform extractions, you can use a blackhead remover tool at home or speed up the process with Baiden Mitten which will unclog blocked up pores and speed up turnover of skin cells.

What are some home remedies for black heads?

While removing blackheads is only possible with mechanical means, prevention is often better than cure. For that purpose, remedies are similar to those which will control acne-prone as well.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar or lemon juice – help remove excess oils from your skin. They are great, natural products which will also control bacteria on skin. Mix 1 to 4 ratios with water. Apply the mixture directly to your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Baking Soda – also a simple and often effective means of stabilizing PH of the skin. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 4 tablespoons of water. Apply the solution to your face and let sit for 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Tea Tree Oil – Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial properties. To use tea tree oil, simply apply a few drops directly onto your blackheads. Leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning.
  • Aloe Vera Gel – Aloe vera gel contains enzymes which help cleanse the skin. Mix 1 part aloe vera gel with 2 parts water. Apply the mixture to your face and allow it to remain on for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Cucumber Juice – Cucumbers contain salicylic acid which helps exfoliate the skin. Grate the cucumber first and then strain out the liquid through cheesecloth. Apply the cucumber juice directly onto your face and let it stay on for 15 minutes. Rinse off completely with warm water.
  • Vitamin E – vitamin E has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve circulation. Take vitamin E supplements daily.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide – Hydrogen peroxide is used to bleach hair and kill bacteria. Mix equal amounts of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. Apply the mixture onto your face and leave it alone for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Squeezing blackheads

Is it okay to squeeze out blackheads?

It depends on how deep they are. 

If you have very large blackheads that are embedded into the pores, then yes, you can gently press them out. 

However, if you have small blackheads that just cover the surface of the skin, then no, you shouldn’t do this. It will only make things worse. 

Make sure you disinfect your face before and after the extraction to stop spreading the bacteria.

Using Baiden Mitten to control Blackheads

Baiden Mitten is exceptionally effective for blackhead removal. Our customers often report instant results. 

The glove rolls off the dead skin layer, removing a lot of blackheads in the process. 

Because it works deeply on all layers of skin, it is able to massage the skin plugs out in the process.

It is important to start the process gently as sudden removal of so many skin plugs can often bring about sudden increase of oil flowing out of the now empty skin pores. 

This will stabilize in a few days, but you might want to blot your face with a tissue a few times a day to remove the excessive, oily shine.

Please, note that if you also have severe acne, you might need to control it with other methods first to avoid spreading the infection further.

For mild acne it should not be a problem as long as you disinfect your skin before and after the Baiden mitten exfoliation. 

Also, disinfecting the glove itself after a treatment by soaking it in water with some baking soda added is advised. 

Dry it out well between exfoliation sessions and please, do not use it more than once/week Baiden Mitten treatment is close to salon quality treatment and your skin will need a few days to recover from it. 

Saying that – if you use it regularly, it is likely that you will get rid of any other way of controlling your blackheads and will enjoy clearer and smoother skin from then on.

Buy a Baiden Mitten Now!

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