Skincare Tips for beginners

skincare tips for beginners

Table of Contents

How often should I wash my face? What kind of moisturizer should I use? And what about sunscreen? 

These questions seem simple enough, but they can get complicated very quickly.

Skin care has become a huge part of our lives. 

From makeup to beauty treatments, we spend hours every day taking care of our skin.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t even realize that our daily habits affect our skin.

You might already be using some of these tried-and-tested methods, but there are other things you can try too. 

For example, you can switch to organic or natural ingredients, or you can add essential oils into your routine.

Natural ingredients are those that come from plants or animals. 

These include fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, oils, and other plant extracts. 

Some of these ingredients are also found in food items such as milk, eggs, meat, fish, and cheese.

Natural ingredients are better for your body because they contain fewer chemicals. 

This means they won’t cause side effects. Also, they don’t need preservatives to prevent spoilage.

Do You Really Need a Skin Care Routine?

There is no one answer to whether you need a skin care routine. It depends on your skin type, your lifestyle, and your personal preferences. 

If you have dry skin and sensitive skin, you may need to moisturize more often than someone with oily skin.

If you live an active lifestyle, you may need to wash your face more often than someone who has a sedentary lifestyle

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what works best for your skin.

How to Build Your Personal Skincare Routine

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. 

It protects you from harmful elements like UV rays and bacteria. 

But when your skin doesn’t look its best, it can make you feel self-conscious. And that can lead to low confidence and poor health habits.

Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to improve your skin care routine. 

Here’s a list of tips to follow if you want to support healthy skin:
Natural suncreen for skincare

1. Use ONLY natural sunscreen

Sunlight exposure can cause damage to your skin cells, so it’s important to protect yourself from sunburn. 

To avoid getting burned, apply sunscreen before going outside. Choose a broad spectrum SPF 15+ sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. 

Baiden Mitten helps to make the skin more resistant to sun damage, so over time you might reduce the need to use sunscreen all the time. 

Commercial sunscreens have a high amount of harmful chemicals which will cause damage to your screen, so it is EXTREMELY important to use only products with natural ingredients.

Washing Face - skincare tips for beginners

2. Wash Your Face Twice Daily

Washing your face twice daily removes dirt and oil buildup, which prevents clogged pores and acne breakouts. 
For extra cleansing power, try using a gentle cleanser and water instead of soap. 
Lots of people now have switched to microfiber cloths and that is when only water is needed. Quick and easy.

3. Moisturize Morning and Night

Moisturizing your skin after washing it also helps prevent dryness. 
Apply moisturizer morning and night, especially around your eyes and look for products labeled “noncomedogenic,” meaning they won’t block your pores.

4. Exfoliate Once Weekly

Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores, making your complexion smoother and brighter. 

Use Baiden mitten once weekly to remove surface debris and stimulate circulation. 

Do not use it more than once a week as Baiden Mitten provides quite a deep exfoliation, so your skin needs to have a rest.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin hydrated and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Aim for eight glasses per day. 

If you cannot handle that much water, opt out for coconut water instead, which provides a much deeper hydration.

Drinking Water - Skincare tips for beginners

6. Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco Products

Alcohol and tobacco products contain chemicals that can cause premature aging and discoloration of the skin. 
They also dehydrate your skin, leaving it looking dull and lifeless.

7. Eat Healthy Foods

Eating a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables provides antioxidants that fight free radicals and reduce inflammation. 
These nutrients also boost collagen production, keeping your skin firm and youthful.
A good “trick” is to have a green smoothie every morning (any fresh green, leafy vegetables plus any fruit with addition of cucumber, celery and avocado) will not only give all the nutrients you need in a day but hugely aid in hydration and regulating your bowel movements. 
Yay! One step fix for most health and beauty issues…
Eating healthy food - Skincare tips

Are Skincare Face Masks Worth All the Hype?

Face masks have been all the rage in the skincare world lately. But are they really worth all the hype?

There are a lot of different kinds of face masks out there, and they can do everything from hydrate your skin to help clear up acne. 

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to give your skin a boost, a face mask might be just what you need.

Of course, not all face masks are created equal. Some are better than others, and it’s important to find one that’s right for your skin type. 

But if you choose wisely, a face mask can be a great addition to your skincare routine.

What Can I Do When My Skin Gets Irritated?

When your skin gets irritated, it can be uncomfortable and frustrating. 

There are a few things you can do to help soothe and protect your skin. 

First, try to identify the cause of the irritation and avoid it if possible. 

If you can’t avoid the irritant, take a break from using it for a few days to give your skin a chance to recover. 

You can also use a mild, fragrance-free soap and moisturizer to help calm your skin.

If your skin is still irritated, you may want to see a doctor or dermatologist to find out what else you can do.

How to pick the right moisturiser

How to Pick a Moisturizer?

There are a few things to consider when choosing a moisturizer. 

The first is your skin type. If you have dry skin, you’ll want to look for a richer, more emollient product. 

If you have oily skin, you’ll want to look for a lighter, gel-based formula. 

The second is your budget. 

There are many great products on the market, but they can range in price from very affordable to quite expensive. 

The third is your personal preference. 

Some people prefer a thick cream while others prefer a lighter lotion. 

Ultimately, the best way to find the right moisturizer for you is to experiment until you find one that feels good on your skin and suits your needs and budget.

What Belongs in Your Skin Care Cabinet?

There are a few key items that belong in your skin care cabinet, no matter what your skin type is. 

A good cleanser is essential to help remove dirt, oil, and makeup from your face.

A facial toner can help balance your skin’s pH levels and prep your skin for the rest of your skincare routine. 

A good moisturizer is important to hydrate and nourish your skin. 

A natural sunscreen is crucial to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Lastly, a great exfoliator such as the Baiden Mitten will remove all the excess dead skin cells and release all the impurities held beneath the dead skin layer.

With a good exfoliator you are able to really boost your skin care routine and enhance the effect of the cosmetics you may use.

Buy a Baiden Mitten Now!

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