Best Exfoliation Guide to Achieve Flawless Skin

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What is Exfoliation

What is Skin Exfoliation?

Exfoliation is crucial for healthy skin, so there is no wander that women and men around the world seem to be on a constant lookout for the best exfoliator for face and body.

The skincare market is full of scrubs, cloths, gloves, masks, peels, brushes (electrical or not) and sponges which promise to exfoliate your skin, revitalize it and make it glow like never before.

And, if you are into any sort of dermabrasion, you are on the right track as it has been known to assist with almost all skin conditions such as acne, blackheads, zits, Keratosis Pilaris, blemishes, smoothness, wrinkles, dry or oily skin, aging, ingrown hair, breakouts, stretch marks, strawberry legs, ash skin, clogged pores, chicken skin, flaky skin just to name a few…

But, not all exfoliation methods are all equal, so it is good to educate yourself to get the best results for your skin type.

To understand why using an abrasive tools or products on your skin is so beneficial, first, we need to know the basics…

Exfoliation is the process that removes dead skin cells from the upper layer of the skin, revealing the healthy skin underneath.

It can be hugely beneficial for removing excess dry or dull skin as well as increasing blood circulation and thus brightening and improving the appearance of your skin.

Shedding skin cells is a natural process which everybody goes through all the time, but the turnover of our skin cells slows down as we age.

Additionally, our way of life does not facilitate skin cell turnover as much as living in nature did.

That is why we need to help our skin with this dead cell sloughing off process to keep it healthy. Most of us are really motivated to do so, because healthy skin = beautiful skin.

If you do nothing, the dead skin layer will build up and not only will your skin get a dull, wrinkly appearance, but as your skin pores get blocked by the debris and impurities, the infections will set in resulting in puss-filled pimples, blackheads, bumpy and rough surface with uneven skin coloring. 

The good news is – there is no reason to go through any of it if the remedy for most of those conditions is so simple and gives you so many benefits.

Regular exfoliation is the answer.

How often should you exfoliate your skin

How often should you Exfoliate your body?

There is no simple answer to this question as it can vary depending on your exfoliation method, skin type and condition, your age and lots of other factors, but, as a rule, once a week is great for ”normal” skin.

It will leave your skin smoother, polished, glowing and blemish-free. It will also improve blood circulation, detox and oxygen uptake into your body as believe it or not, our skin was not made solely for the sake of beauty, but it happens to be our largest body organ with very important functions to perform.

With results like that, is there any surprise that not only will you be looking forward to your next treatment session, but also it could become quite addictive 🙂

However, beware of over-exfoliation. More is not necessarily better, especially if you use a very deep exfoliation method such as offered by the Baiden Skincare Company.

Your skin needs time to go through the natural cycle of skin cell growth and renewal.

Over-exfoliation can also trigger inflammation, sensitivity and irritation and can make the skin more vulnerable to infections.

If you see any signs such as excessive skin tightness, skin looking sheer and too shiny, if you have more sensitivity, redness, dryness and irritation, as much as it feels great to scrub, ease off and let your skin catch up.

As you can see Clogged, enlarged pores and small blackheads BEFORE exfoliating
Diminished, thoroughly cleaned pores and disappeared black heads AFTER exfoliating
Skin texture of the leg of a woman who is her mid 70’s BEFORE exfoliation.
The same women’s leg AFTER exfoliation: Dry Skin Flakes Are Gone!

Exfoliation Before and After

Here are some examples of exfoliation before and after to give you an idea of what incredible results you can get even after just one exfoliation. For some it might take longer, but you will definitely get results with time.

Exfoliation guide 101

With so many products on the market, you would think that there are 100’s of methods of exfoliation.

However, there are really only two. 

Physical and Chemical.

Physical exfoliation involves (no surprises there) manually removing the dead skin layer with either brushes, gloves, microbeads, or even knives!

(ever heard of dermaplaning?)

Chemical exfoliation, on the other hand, involves layering chemical compounds (not necessarily bad as they can be natural) which act as softeners to make the removal of dead skin layers easier.

All methods have pros and cons, and it is up to you to find out which method works best for you

Physical Exfoliation

a) Deep exfoliation performed by a professional dermatologist, cosmetologist, or spa aesthetician.

If you have ever had a series of microdermabrasions, you will understand when I tell you that they can be life changing.

However, not everybody has a couple of hours 2-4 times a month to spend in the beauty salons and even less of us have the funds to support it.

Additionally, most treatments involve only the face and neck area, so are only doing part of the job.

b) Deep at home exfoliation tools and products. Anything from brushes, loofahs, body and face scrubs, gloves, towels, rasps, I have tried it all.

– One of the all-time favorites – dry brushing, not only removes a lot of dead skin, but also increases blood circulation significantly.

As the brushes usually last for a very long time, it could be a very cost-effective method, the only drawback being that it requires about 20 – 30 minutes per day of dry skin brushing to get full benefits.

– Face brushes. Sonic or a soft bristle (preferably natural) small brush. Gives fast effects which can rival any facial.

The cons are that it easily leads to over exfoliation as it is easy to get carried away and that it is strictly a facial treatment.

Facial treatment only, the body is left out of the equation. If you look after your brushes well, they can last a long time.

c) Everybody takes showers and/or baths daily and so throwing in another component just makes sense.

– Face and Body scrubs not only can make you feel cleaner, but also, many have luxurious textures and smells which take your daily shower or bath to a whole new level.

Some of them you can also make right in your kitchen from edible ingredients (some recipes below) and those are not usually the most natural and gentle, but also usually the most wallet friendly.

The cons – the exfoliation performed with those are not really very effective as they use small beads which basically scratch off some dead skin layer but leave a lot of it behind.

Additionally, depending on what type of microbeads are in your scrubs, they can be harmful either to your skin or the environment. 

Particles which come from broken shells can have sharp edges which will produce micro cuts on your skin, weakening it.

Plastic microbeads, which have smoother edges, are a natural disaster as they finish in our waterways, seriously damaging all the marine life finally finishing in our bodies. 

It is bad news to all. 

Just don’t do it, unless you would like your seafood full of plastic…

On another hand, the great thing about this type of exfoliation is that, because it is not really that effective, you can use it quite often, some of it even daily without any side effects.

Can be used on the whole body, but it will get expensive with regular use.

– Loofahs, gloves, towels and puffs. 


Most of them perform basic, gentle, every day exfoliation with the exception of some specialized gloves which work on totally different principles.

Those do not scratch the dead skin off but rather gather and roll it off.

The exfoliation is quite deep and rivals the professional spa treatments in effectiveness and results, especially if used regularly.

Using them 2-4 times per month in a shower or bath will likely leave you with the smoothest, clearest, most radiant skin you have ever experienced.

Once you get the technique right, it will take 10 – 20 minutes of vigorous workout and make you feel like a newborn!

Since there are no beads which could get into places you would not want them to, you can use those in places such as eyelids, lips, ears and even pubic area.

It is not just a good way to exfoliate; it is more like a body therapy.

Later on, I will introduce you to my favorite exfoliator of this type, so, keep reading…

As great as this method sounds, there are some major issues you might take into consideration… 

While many of those exfoliation gloves are marketed as ”natural”, the fibers they are made of are most often soaked in harmful chemicals so strong, that they can damage your skin on a deep level when you use the gloves as part of your regular beauty routine.

Additionally, most are cheaply made, lasting for anything from 1-5 sessions, so you have to keep buying them regularly adding up your costs.

Made in sweatshops, exploiting the workers in Third World countries.

So yes, some of them can ”appear” to be cheap, but the actual and cost in money, your skin health and human suffering might not be worth it.


Chemical Exfoliation

Chemical exfoliation. Great not only for smoothing, but also for brightening effect, these exfoliators use chemical means to speed up the cell turnover. Most widely known are AHA’s (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) and BHA’s (Beta Hydroxy Acids).

The first ones are water-soluble, acting on the very top layer of the skin and the second ones are oil soluble, able to penetrate deeper into the skin and remove deeper plugs.

There are also more natural versions made from papaya, apples or pineapple if you prefer a gentler version.

There are many people who swear by chemical exfoliation, but you need to be aware that this type of treatments can lead to increased photo sensitivity, and they can also damage the healthy cells underneath the top layer causing more serious problems.

Also, once again, it is mostly a face-only treatment as using it on the whole body regularly can get very expensive.

So, those are different types of exfoliation in a nutshell. Let’s now explore some homemade remedies and then let me introduce you to the method I have been using for over 16 years!

Chemical exfoliation

DIY Exfoliation

Exfoliation has been around like – forever, and you do not have to go to a drug store or a beauty expert to take advantage of it.

You can make them in your own kitchen using natural, organic ingredients. Let me share with you a few recipes for home-made versions of it.

Apples + apple cider vinegar

As I mentioned before, some acids are extremely beneficial for loosening dead skin and revealing new skin cells beneath.

Acetic, lactic, citric and malic acids, found in apples, are a fantastic choice for an exfoliating mask. An Apple Cider Vinegar Peel is also an option as a chemical exfoliant.

Just combine a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of home-made apple sauce, leave on the skin for 10 – 15 minutes and remove with a soft towel

Coffee Scrubs

Coffee may also be a favorite choice when exfoliating your body, and it can be made in many forms! Ground coffee scrub can help with cellulite too!

Combine I cup of coffee grounds (can be left over ones from your coffee), 6 tablespoons of coconut oil and 3 tablespoons of either sea salt or fine brown sugar.

Combine and scrub away!

For more great recipes check outhttps://helloglow.co/10-best-natural-skin-exfoliators/

Best DIY Exfoliation

Almond and honey face/ body scrub

Grind a handful of almonds and mix with it with a spoon or two of honey, add some olive oil if the consistency is too sticky for you, to create a natural scrub that will lift your dead skin and refresh and nourish your good skin. 

You can use this scrub both for your face and for your body. The antibacterial property of the honey is also good for clearing up blemishes.

Crushed strawberries homemade face scrub

If you already have soft skin, but still suffer from oil, then gently rubbing crushed strawberries on your face will mildly exfoliate your soft skin and remove some excess oil.

For more check out https://www.beautyandtips.com/natural-skin-care-products-2/10-wonderful-diy-natural-homemade-exfoliators/

My Choice - Baiden Mitten Exfoliator.

Here is where I would like to introduce my favorite exfoliator – Baiden Mitten, which over the last 16 years has totally changed my skin. It took it from problematic, to problem free.

First, I would like to disclose that, like any other method, it does have some drawbacks:

– unlike with any other exfoliation methods, exfoliation with the Baiden Mitten can gross you out. It is very graphic, and you will see rolls of thick, greasy gray skin rolling off your body. It is just about as enjoyable as watching blackhead squeezing videos. If however, just like me, you are one of those nuts who enjoy watching pimple popping and giant comedones extractions, it can not only seem totally fascinating, but can cause the second problem

– you can scrub too often, leading to over-exfoliation of your skin. Just keep it to once a week to be absolutely safe even though you are really itching to do it again (and again, and again)…

– you will have to look after your Baiden Mitten by handwashing it after each use and drying it in an airy place. As any natural, untreated fiber, it will deteriorate quickly if left damp.

– the Baiden Mitten appears to be quite expensive. The reason I am saying ”appears”, is because when you know the reasons behind the price, you will realize that it is very cost-effective in the long run.

Not only do we buy the most expensive fiber, which has NOT been treated with cheap, nasty chemicals, but we make it to the standards usually reserved for baby products.

So, there will be no chemicals leaching into your skin when you deeply exfoliate, which could make your skin sensitive and cause infections.

I don’t want to get too boring, so I will keep the rest short – The time to produce the mitt is quite time-consuming as the machines have to be calibrated for different weaves than normal.

Our items are produced in the only factory of this type (as far as we know) where the workers are not only paid a fair wage, but also full benefits.

Consequently, we were able to require better workmanship which reduced our rejection rate from 70% to less than 5%! That means your Baiden Mitten will last a very long time; many of our customers report usage of 2 years+.

The record so far, is 6 (no, the mitt did not look that great at that stage LOL, but it still worked well!).

Baiden Mitten Exfoliator System

In summary, for the price you pay for your Baiden Mitten you will get around 100+ face AND body exfoliation which will rival in results to any dermabrasion you had done by a professional aesthetician.

The only thing that could go deeper, are some lasers, and we all know that the cost of those can be really prohibitive…

Now, for some advantages of using the Baiden Mitten, which I have not mentioned yet:– your skin will not only be softer, smoother and glowing, but it will also become more resilient to any infections and outside conditions.

It will become more resistant to sunburn, will tan evenly with resistance to freckles and age spots.

– if you suffer with Keratosis Pilaris, you can get your skin to the stage that nobody will know that you suffer with it.

Yes, you will have to exfoliate regularly to keep it under control, but – no more bumpy skin! – Your ingrown hair will be a thing of the past and so will be strawberry legs, uneven skin color on knees, elbows, dark insect bite scars and dark armpits!

– your skin will get a super detox with a deep massage every time you exfoliate and your pores, finally free of grease plugs, will shrink to a much smaller size.

– You will save a ton on skincare cosmetics as anything you put onto your skin will be able to sink in deeper and have more effect. Therefore, you can use a lot less of any products (natural and organic please) you put on it.

I could carry on for a long time telling you about what Baiden Mitten can do for you, but instead I think, I will let some of our customers tell you of their experiences

Check out just a few of the reviews here:

And we are so confident you will get results that we also provide you with a 60-day satisfaction guarantee where if you don’t get results, we will happily send you your money back.

Giving you peace of mind that you are getting the best product for exfoliation available on the market and achieving your best skin possible for you.

Buy a Baiden Mitten Now!

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