How to use the Baiden Mitten to get the best results

Baiden Mitten


  • Before you use Baiden Mitten for the very first time, please hand wash it with soap and rinse very thoroughly. Some natural oils are used in the production of the mittens to keep the fibers tangle free, which could lessen the effectiveness of Baiden Mitten if not washed out before efoliating.
  • Soak yourself in clean water (as warm as you can stand it) without soaps or cleansers for at least 10 minutes. Soaps and lotions make the skin slippery making the mitten less effective. Skin will soften with warm water and the pores will open.
  • While still wet, step out of the bath (or just simply stand up). Do not towel dry the skin.
  • Dip the mitten in the bath water and wring it out.
  • Put the mitten on your hand.
  • Putting as much pressure as is comfortable for you, rub the mitten side to side first lightly and THEN with more pressure up and down (not in the circles) over the same area and watch in amazement as the dead skin and impurities gather in little rolls and then fall off your skin.
  • Make sure that once the exfoliation starts to not rinse the rolled-off dead skin cells. It facilitates exfoliation by sticking to other dead skin cells creating a snowball effect. Do your face last, so that you can work out on the rest of your body just how much pressure is comfortable for your skin.
  • After the exfoliation is finished take a shower (you might feel quite hot due to the vigorous massage, so take a cold one- it is really invigorating) and rinse off those rolls of dead skin cells.


Please exercise common sense when using the mitten for the first time. Do not over scrub and do not use the mitten more often than once a week. Your skin needs time to adjust to this new process. If you do get too excited and scrub extra hard, a little bit of pure Aloe Vera gel will soothe and heal your skin.

Although you will see dramatic results straight away, it is only the beginning. As your skin accustoms to the process you will see more gradual, but profound changes. It is a good idea to take a photo of where your skin started off and so you can see the changes that occur over time.

How to use the Baiden Mitten

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