3 Facts About Your Skin That Will Shock You!

You live in your skin, but do you really know it? Here are 3 facts about your skin that you might not know about! 

Once you learn those facts, I will introduce you to a simple tool that will take your skincare to the next level!

Table of Contents


Your skin was NOT designed to be fashion accessory!

With flawless skin being a major goal for using literally tons of skincare products and subject of thousands of youtube videos, you could be excused for thinking that skin was created to make you beautiful. 

But, that could not be further from truth.

Your skin is actually an organ, the same kind as your kidney, liver or heart. However, in size, it beats all the other ones hands down. 

An average human has 22 sq feet (2 sq meters) of skin. 

That is a lot of surface to care for! Most people do not stop and think about real function of the skin which is it protects your internal organs from outside elements including extreme temperatures, dangerous chemicals’ and sun’s UV rays.

We also need our skin to prevent dehydration due to water loss and to stop multitude of bacterias and viruses from entering our bodies.

Last, but not least, we need our skin’s help in removing toxins from our bodies. Yes! Your skin can be amazing at detoxing your whole body if you create favourable conditions for it to be able to do it. 

Just read on…

Skincare routine

Your Skin Can Make You Happy…

but only if the skin pores are clear and your skin can uptake oxygen.  Oxygen is the ‘’happy gas’’ that can lift your mood.

Do you realize that we not only need optimal oxygen in out bodies to survive at all, but also to have all our organs working at optimal levels? 

Here are some symptoms which you can experience when your body is oxygen deprived: Fatigue, Poor digestion, Depression, Memory loss, Acidic stomach, Lung problems, Repeated bacterial, viral, or fungal infections (also on your skin), Overall body weakness, Muscle aches and pains.

That is why you should make it a point to take many deep breaths throughout the day, but to take it a step further, how about letting millions of little pores on your skin uptake up to 100% more oxygen than they did till now? 

It will hugely improve your oxygen levels, make all your organs run smoothly which will give you in turn a feeling of elation and happiness. 

That is precisely why most people feel deep satisfaction and content after they have taken a hike in nature. 

Got it?

In a moment I will show you how a simple ritual you can perform in your bathroom once a week to make your skin an amazing oxygen sucking machine…


You are probably spending 50% more money on skincare than you need to

Your body produces trillions of skin cells over your lifetime and sheds dead skin cells continuously.

 The average human sheds 40,000 dead skin cells per MINUTE! 

You have a brand new skin about once every 35 days and by the time you’re 20, your skin has renewed itself almost 200 times! Crazy!

You might think that because you exfoliate regularly, your skin is clear? 

However, the truth is, most exfoliation methods barely scratch the surface (literally). 

If you do not remove ALL of the dead skin regularly, when you spread any serum, toner, lotion or cream, you are literally spending your money on ‘’nourishing’’ dead skin. 

I have news for you – it cannot be done… Once the skin cells are dead, they cannot be revived…

So, can you see how you are throwing your money on trying to revive something that cannot me brought back to life? 

The thicker your dead skin layer, the more money you throw out…

Dry SKin

However, for all those problems there is a solution! It is extremely simple and will take 20 minutes in the shower once a week. 

It will remove so much dead skin that you will actually be able to see it like this…

And once your skin is free of the dead skin layer, it will be smooth, glowing, healthy and beautiful.

Learn more about Baiden Mitten here 

Buy a Baiden Mitten Now!

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